home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- NoScript - a Firefox extension for whitelist driven safe JavaScript execution
- Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Giorgio Maone - g.maone@informaction.com
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
- const CC = Components.classes;
- const CI = Components.interfaces;
- var ns = noscriptUtil.service;
- var nsopt = {
- dom2: /^(?:http[s]?|file):\/\/([^\.\?\/#,;:\\\@]+(:?\.[^\.\?\/#,;:\\\@]+$|$))/,
- utils: null,
- init: function() {
- if(ns.uninstalling) { // this should never happen!
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- this.utils = new UIUtils(ns);
- this.utils.resumeTabSelections();
- abeOpts.init();
- var locked = ns.locked;
- for each (widget in ["urlText","urlList", "jsglobal", "addButton", "removeButton", "importButton", "exportButton"]) {
- this[widget] = $(widget);
- if(locked) this[widget].disabled = true;
- }
- // forbid <a ping>
- var pingCbx = $("mozopt-browser.send_pings");
- if(pingCbx.getAttribute("label").indexOf("Allow ") == 0) {
- pingCbx.setAttribute("label", noscriptUtil.getString("allowLocal", ["<a ping...>"]));
- $("opt-noping")
- .setAttribute("label", noscriptUtil.getString("forbidLocal", ["<a ping...>"]));
- }
- this.trustedSites = ns.jsPolicySites.clone();
- this.untrustedSites = ns.untrustedSites.clone();
- this.tempSites = ns.tempSites.clone();
- this.gTempSites = ns.gTempSites.clone();
- this.populateUrlList();
- this.jsglobal.checked = ns.jsEnabled;
- this.utils.visitCheckboxes(function(prefName, inverse, checkbox, mozilla) {
- try {
- var val = mozilla ? ns.prefService.getBoolPref(prefName) : ns.getPref(prefName);
- checkbox.setAttribute("checked", inverse ? !val : val);
- if(ns.prefService.prefIsLocked(mozilla ? prefName : "noscript." + prefName)) {
- checkbox.setAttribute("disabled", true);
- }
- } catch(ex) {}
- }
- );
- this.utils.visitTextboxes(function(prefName, box) {
- box.value = ns.getPref(prefName);
- });
- $("opt-showPermanent").setAttribute("label", noscriptUtil.getString("allowLocal", ["[...]"]));
- $("opt-showTemp").setAttribute("label", noscriptUtil.getString("allowTemp", ["[...]"]));
- $("opt-showDistrust").setAttribute("label", noscriptUtil.getString("distrust", ["[...]"]));
- $("opt-showGlobal").setAttribute("label", noscriptUtil.getString("allowGlobal"));
- var notifyHideLabels = noscriptUtil.getString("notifyHide").split("%S");
- $("opt-notify.hide").setAttribute("label", notifyHideLabels[0]);
- $("notifyDelayLabel").setAttribute("value", notifyHideLabels[1]);
- $("notifyDelay").value = ns.getPref("notify.hideDelay", 5);
- this.soundChooser.setSample(ns.getPref("sound.block"));
- this.autoAllowGroup = new ConditionalGroup(ns, "autoAllow", 0);
- this.toggleGroup = new ConditionalGroup(ns, "toolbarToggle", 3);
- var val = ns.getPref("allowHttpsOnly", 0);
- $("sel-allowHttpsOnly").selectedIndex = (val < 0 || val > 2) ? 0 : val;
- var shortcut = ns.getPref("keys.toggle");
- if(shortcut) {
- shortcut = shortcut.replace(/VK_([^\.]*).*/g, "$1").replace(/\s+/g, '+').replace(/_/g, ' ');
- var shortcutLabel = $("toolbarToggle-shortcut");
- shortcutLabel.value = "(" + shortcut + ")";
- shortcutLabel.removeAttribute("hidden");
- }
- this.utils.syncGroup($("opt-secureCookies"));
- this.xssEx = new RegExpController(
- "xssEx",
- ns.rxParsers.multi,
- ns.getPref("filterXExceptions"));
- this.jarEx = new RegExpController(
- "jarEx",
- ns.rxParsers.multi,
- ns.getPref("forbidJarDocumentsExceptions"));
- // hide incompatible options
- if(top.opener && top.opener.noscriptOverlay && !top.opener.noscriptOverlay.getNotificationBox()) {
- // Moz/SeaMonkey, no notifications
- $("fx-notifications").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- }
- ["clearClick", "opacizeObject"].forEach(function(c) {
- var pref = ns.getPref(c);
- Array.forEach($(c + "Opts").getElementsByTagName("checkbox"), function(cbx) {
- cbx.setAttribute("checked", !(pref & parseInt(cbx.getAttribute("value"))) ? "false" : "true");
- });
- });
- if (!ns.clearClickHandler.isSupported(document))
- ["clearClickOpts", "opt-clearClick.prompt"].forEach(function(id) {
- $(id).setAttribute("hidden", "true"); // Fx <= 1.5
- });
- if (!ns.placesSupported) {
- $("opt-placesPrefs").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- }
- if (ns.canSerializeConf) this.initSerializeButtons();
- if (ns.smUninstaller) this.initUninstallButton();
- // $("policy-tree").view = policyModel;
- window.sizeToContent();
- this.addButton.setAttribute("enabled", "false");
- this.removeButton.setAttribute("enabled", "false");
- },
- initUninstallButton: function() {
- this.utils.moveButtonsDown("uninstallButton");
- },
- uninstall: function() {
- ns.smUninstaller.appUninstall(window);
- },
- initSerializeButtons: function() {
- this.utils.moveButtonsDown("importConfButton", "exportConfButton");
- },
- importConf: function() {
- this.chooseFile(
- this.buttonToTitle("importConfButton"),
- "Open",
- function(f) {
- ns.restoreConf(ns.readFile(f)) && nsopt.reload();
- }
- );
- },
- exportConf: function() {
- this.save();
- this.chooseFile(
- this.buttonToTitle("exportConfButton"),
- "Save",
- function(f) {
- ns.writeFile(f, ns.serializeConf(true));
- }
- );
- },
- reset: function() {
- if(!noscriptUtil.prompter.confirm(window,
- noscriptUtil.getString("reset.title"),
- noscriptUtil.getString("reset.warning"))
- ) return;
- ns.resetDefaults();
- this.reload();
- },
- reload: function() {
- this.utils.persistTabSelections();
- var op = top.opener;
- if(op && op.noscriptUtil) {
- op.setTimeout(function() {
- op.noscriptUtil.openOptionsDialog();
- }, 10);
- }
- window.close();
- },
- save: function() {
- this.utils.visitCheckboxes(
- function(prefName, inverse, checkbox, mozilla) {
- if(checkbox.getAttribute("collapsed")!="true") {
- const checked = checkbox.getAttribute("checked") == "true";
- const requestedVal = inverse ? !checked : checked;
- if(mozilla) {
- try {
- ns.prefService.setBoolPref(prefName, requestedVal);
- } catch(ex) {}
- return;
- }
- const prevVal = ns.getPref(prefName);
- if(requestedVal != prevVal) {
- ns.setPref(prefName, requestedVal);
- }
- }
- }
- );
- this.utils.visitTextboxes(function(prefName, box) {
- if (box.value != ns.getPref(prefName)) {
- ns.setPref(prefName, box.value);
- }
- });
- ["clearClick", "opacizeObject"].forEach(function(c) {
- var pref = 0;
- Array.forEach($(c + "Opts").getElementsByTagName("checkbox"), function(cbx) {
- if (cbx.checked) pref = pref | parseInt(cbx.getAttribute("value"));
- });
- ns.setPref(c, pref);
- });
- ns.setPref("notify.hideDelay", parseInt($("notifyDelay").value) ||
- ns.getPref("notify.hideDelay", 5));
- ns.setPref("sound.block", this.soundChooser.getSample());
- this.autoAllowGroup.persist();
- this.toggleGroup.persist();
- ns.setPref("allowHttpsOnly", $("sel-allowHttpsOnly").selectedIndex);
- var exVal = this.xssEx.getValue();
- if(this.xssEx.validate() || !/\S/.test(exVal))
- ns.setPref("filterXExceptions", exVal);
- var exVal = this.jarEx.getValue();
- if(this.jarEx.validate() || !/\S/.test(exVal))
- ns.setPref("forbidJarDocumentsExceptions", exVal);
- if (this.tempRevoked) {
- ns.resetAllowedObjects();
- }
- var global = this.jsglobal.getAttribute("checked") == "true";
- var untrustedSites = this.untrustedSites;
- var trustedSites = this.trustedSites;
- var tempSites = this.tempSites;
- var gTempSites = this.gTempSites;
- ns.safeCapsOp(function(ns) {
- if(ns.untrustedSites.sitesString != untrustedSites.sitesString
- || ns.jsPolicySites.sitesString != trustedSites.sitesString
- || ns.tempSites.sitesString != tempSites.sitesString
- || ns.gTempSites.sitesString != gTempSites.sitesString) {
- ns.untrustedSites.sitesString = untrustedSites.sitesString;
- ns.persistUntrusted();
- ns.setPref("temp", tempSites.sitesString);
- ns.setPref("gtemp", gTempSites.sitesString);
- ns.setJSEnabled(trustedSites.sitesList, true, true);
- }
- ns.jsEnabled = global;
- });
- },
- urlListChanged: function() {
- const selectedItems = this.urlList.selectedItems;
- var removeDisabled = true;
- for(var j = selectedItems.length; j-- > 0;) {
- if(selectedItems[j].getAttribute("disabled") != "true") {
- removeDisabled = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- this.removeButton.setAttribute("disabled", removeDisabled);
- $("revokeButton")
- .setAttribute("disabled", this.tempRevoked ||
- !(this.tempSites.sitesString || this.gTempSites.sitesString || ns.objectWhitelistLen));
- this.urlChanged();
- },
- urlChanged: function() {
- var url = this.urlText.value;
- if(url.match(/\s/)) url = this.urlText.value = url.replace(/\s/g,'');
- var addEnabled = url.length > 0 && (url = ns.getSite(url)) ;
- if(addEnabled) {
- var match = url.match(this.dom2);
- if(match) url = match[1];
- url = this.trustedSites.matches(url);
- if(!(addEnabled = !url)) {
- this.ensureVisible(url);
- }
- }
- this.addButton.setAttribute("disabled", !addEnabled);
- },
- notifyHideDelay: {
- onInput: function(txt) {
- if(/\D/.test(txt.value)) txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\D/, "");
- },
- onChange: function(txt) {
- txt.value = parseInt(txt.value) || ns.getPref("notify.hideDelay", 5);
- }
- },
- ensureVisible: function(site) {
- var item;
- const ul = this.urlList;
- for(var j = ul.getRowCount(); j-- > 0;) {
- if((item = ul.getItemAtIndex(j)).getAttribute("value") == site) {
- ul.ensureElementIsVisible(item);
- }
- }
- },
- populateUrlList: function() {
- const policy = this.trustedSites;
- const sites = this.trustedSites.sitesList;
- const ul = this.urlList;
- for(var j = ul.getRowCount(); j-- > 0; ul.removeItemAt(j));
- const dom2 = this.dom2;
- var site, item;
- var match, k, len;
- var tempSites = this.gTempSites.clone();
- tempSites.add(this.tempSites.sitesList);
- var tempMap = this.tempSites.sitesMap;
- for(j = 0, len = sites.length; j < len; j++) {
- site = sites[j];
- // skip protocol + 2nd level domain URLs
- if((match = site.match(dom2)) && policy.matches(item = match[1]))
- continue;
- item = ul.appendItem(site, site);
- if(ns.isMandatory(site)) {
- item.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- item.style.fontStyle = (site in tempMap) ? "italic" : "normal";
- }
- this.urlListChanged();
- },
- allow: function() {
- const site = ns.getSite(this.urlText.value);
- this.trustedSites.add(site);
- this.tempSites.remove(site, true, true); // see noscriptService#eraseTemp()
- this.gTempSites.remove(site, true, true);
- this.untrustedSites.remove(site, false, !ns.mustCascadeTrust(site, false));
- this.populateUrlList();
- this.ensureVisible(site);
- this.addButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- },
- remove: function() {
- const ul = this.urlList;
- const selectedItems = ul.selectedItems;
- var visIdx = ul.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow();
- var lastIdx = visIdx + ul.getNumberOfVisibleRows();
- var removed = [];
- for(var j = selectedItems.length; j-- > 0;) {
- if(!ns.isMandatory(site = selectedItems[j].value)) {
- removed.push(site);
- }
- }
- if (!removed.length) return;
- this.trustedSites.remove(removed, true); // keepUp
- this.tempSites.remove(removed, true, true); // see noscriptService#eraseTemp()
- this.gTempSites.remove(removed, true, true);
- if(selectedItems.length == 1) {
- if(removed.length == 1) {
- ul.removeItemAt(ul.getIndexOfItem(selectedItems[0]));
- }
- return;
- }
- // TODO: hide flickering
- this.populateUrlList();
- try {
- var rowCount = ul.getRowCount();
- if(rowCount > lastIdx) {
- ul.scrollToIndex(visIdx);
- } else {
- ul.ensureIndexIsVisible(rowCount - 1);
- }
- } catch(e) {}
- },
- tempRevoked: false,
- revokeTemp: function() {
- this.trustedSites.remove(this.tempSites.sitesList, true, true);
- this.trustedSites.remove(this.gTempSites.sitesList, true, true);
- this.untrustedSites.add(this.gTempSites.sitesList);
- this.trustedSites.add(ns.mandatorySites.sitesList);
- this.tempSites.sitesString = "";
- this.gTempSites.sitesString = "";
- this.tempRevoked = true;
- this.populateUrlList();
- },
- _soundChooser: null,
- get soundChooser() {
- return this._soundChooser ||
- (this._soundChooser =
- new SoundChooser(
- "sampleURL",
- this.buttonToTitle("sampleChooseButton"),
- ns,
- "chrome://noscript/skin/block.wav"
- ));
- },
- chooseFile: function(title, mode, callback) {
- try {
- const IFP = CI.nsIFilePicker;
- const fp = CC["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(IFP);
- fp.init(window,title, IFP["mode" + mode]);
- fp.appendFilters(IFP.filterText);
- fp.appendFilters(IFP.filterAll);
- fp.filterIndex = 0;
- fp.defaultExtension = ".txt";
- const ret = fp.show();
- if(ret == IFP.returnOK ||
- ret == IFP.returnReplace) {
- callback.call(nsopt, fp.file);
- }
- } catch(ex) {
- noscriptUtil.prompter.alert(window, title, ex.toString());
- }
- },
- importExport: function(op) {
- this.chooseFile(
- this.buttonToTitle(op + "Button"),
- op == "import" ? "Open" : "Save",
- this[op + "List"]
- );
- },
- importList: function(file) {
- var all = ns.readFile(file).replace(/\s+/g, "\n");
- var untrustedPos = all.indexOf("[UNTRUSTED]");
- if(untrustedPos < 0) {
- this.trustedSites.sitesString += "\n" + all;
- } else {
- this.trustedSites.sitesString += "\n" + all.substring(0, untrustedPos);
- this.untrustedSites.sitesString += all.substring(all.indexOf("\n", untrustedPos + 2));
- }
- this.untrustedSites.remove(this.trustedSites.sitesList, false, true);
- this.populateUrlList();
- return null;
- },
- exportList: function(file) {
- ns.writeFile(file,
- this.trustedSites.sitesList.join("\n") +
- "\n[UNTRUSTED]\n" +
- this.untrustedSites.sitesList.join("\n")
- );
- return null;
- },
- syncNsel: function(cbx) {
- var blockNSWB = $("opt-blockNSWB");
- if(cbx.checked) {
- blockNSWB.disabled = true;
- blockNSWB.checked = true;
- } else {
- blockNSWB.disabled = false;
- }
- },
- buttonToTitle: function(btid) {
- return "NoScript - " + $(btid).getAttribute("label");
- }
- }
- var ABE = ns.__parent__.ABE;
- var abeOpts = {
- selectedRS: null,
- _map: {},
- init: function() {
- if (!(ABE.legacySupport || ABE.__parent__.Thread.canSpin)) {
- var tab = $("nsopt-tabABE");
- if (tab.selected) {
- tab.parentNode.selectedIndex = 0;
- }
- tab.hidden = true;
- return;
- }
- this.list = $("abeRulesets-list");
- ABE.updateRules();
- this.populate();
- window.addEventListener("focus", function(ev) {
- if (ABE.updateRulesNow()) abeOpts.populate();
- }, false);
- },
- _populating: false,
- populate: function() {
- this._populating = true;
- try {
- this._map = {};
- var l = this.list;
- for(var j = l.getRowCount(); j-- > 0; l.removeItemAt(j));
- var rulesets = ABE.rulesets;
- var selItem = null;
- if (rulesets) {
- var sel = this.selectedRS && this.selectedRS.name;
- this.selectedRS = null;
- var i, name;
- for each (var rs in rulesets) {
- name = rs.name;
- this._map[name] = rs;
- i = l.appendItem(name, name);
- if (rs.disabled) i.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- if (sel == name) selItem = i;
- if (rs.errors) i.className = "noscript-error";
- }
- }
- l.selectedItem = selItem;
- this.sync();
- } finally {
- this._populating = false;
- }
- },
- selected: function(i) {
- if (!this._populating) this.sync();
- },
- select: function(rs) {
- var name = rs && rs.name;
- if (!name) return;
- var l = this.list;
- if (l.selectedItem && l.selectedItem.value == name) return;
- for(var j = l.getRowCount(), i; j-- > 0;) {
- i = l.getItemAtIndex(j);
- if (i.value == name) {
- l.selectedItem = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- sync: function() {
- var selItem = this.list.selectedItem;
- var rs = null;
- if (selItem) {
- this.selectedRS = rs = this._map[selItem.value];
- } else {
- this.selectedRS = null;
- }
- $("abeEnable-button").disabled = ! ($("abeDisable-button").disabled = !rs || rs.disabled);
- $("abeEdit-button").disabled = !rs || rs.site;
- $("abeRefresh-button").disabled = this.list.getRowCount() == 0;
- var text = $("abeRuleset-text");
- text.className = selItem && selItem.className || '';
- text.disabled = !selItem || selItem.disabled;
- text.value = rs && (rs.errors && rs.errors.join("\n\n") || rs.source) || '';
- },
- refresh: function() {
- ABE.refresh();
- this.populate();
- },
- toggle: function(enabled) {
- var selItem = this.list.selectedItem;
- var rs = this.selectedRS;
- if (!(rs && selItem && rs.name == selItem.value)) return;
- if ((rs.disabled = !enabled)) {
- selItem.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- } else {
- selItem.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- ns.setPref("ABE.disabledRulesetNames", ABE.disabledRulesetNames);
- this.sync();
- },
- edit: function(i) {
- i = i || this.list.selectedItem;
- if (!i) return;
- var file = ABE.getRulesetFile(i.value);
- if (!(file instanceof CI.nsILocalFile)) return;
- try {
- file.launch();
- return;
- } catch(e) {
- // probably a *X platform...
- }
- var ed = this.editor;
- if (!ed) return;
- var mimeInfoService = CC["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-helper-app-service;1"]
- .getService(CI.nsIMIMEService);
- var mimeInfo = mimeInfoService
- .getFromTypeAndExtension( "application/x-abe-rules", "abe" );
- mimeInfo.preferredAction = mimeInfo.useHelperApp;
- if ("nsILocalHandlerApp" in CI) {
- var handler = CC["@mozilla.org/uriloader/local-handler-app;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalHandlerApp);
- handler.executable = ed;
- ed = handler;
- }
- mimeInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = ed;
- mimeInfo.launchWithFile(file);
- },
- get editor() {
- var ed = null;
- try {
- ed = ns.prefs.getComplexValue("abe.editor", CI.nsILocalFile);
- ed.followLinks = true;
- if (ed.exists() && ed.isExecutable()) return ed;
- ed = null;
- } catch(e) {}
- const IFP = CI.nsIFilePicker;
- const fp = CC["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(IFP);
- fp.init(window, ns.getString("abe.chooseEditor"), IFP.modeOpen);
- fp.appendFilters(IFP.filterApps);
- fp.filterIndex = 0;
- const ret = fp.show();
- if (ret == IFP.returnOK) {
- ed = fp.file;
- if (ed.exists() && ed.isExecutable()) {
- ns.prefs.setComplexValue("abe.editor", CI.nsILocalFile, ed);
- } else ed = null;
- }
- return ed;
- }
- }